
My tab won't work in word for mac for bullets
My tab won't work in word for mac for bullets

This fixed up content over top of the old document that is still attached to SharePoint/the cloud. Or, if you are using SharePoint/Office 365, once you've performed all of your old styling on your headers and fixed this new Word document up to get it back to the point of your old one, you can then do a Ctrl+A (select all), Ctrl+X (cut), and then Ctrl+A on the old Word document and Ctrl+V to paste So you can do this individually (safest, but tedious), or for the more adventure-loving, you can highlight all of the pasted in text/all of your bullets and click the Bullet button, then go back and indent the bullets that need indenting, using your previous Word document as a guide until you are complete with all bullet indenting and restoring any formatting/styling you once had - then you can exit your old document, and save this new Word document over top of your old one and discard the Notepad text by closing Notepad without saving. Hitting Tab should indent the bullet and give you the hollow one for the next level. Once you do that, if you put your cursor at the end of it, hit Enter, a new bullet at the same level should appear. Click next to/just ahead of one, so your cursor is sitting in front of it. On each bullet, you're going to have to fix it manually. Now to fix those pesky, misaligned bullets. Then grab the content from Notepad: Ctrl+A to "Select All" of the text in Notepad, Ctrl+X to cut it all out of Notepad, and go to the new Word document to Ctrl+V and paste it into Word. So, open Notepad, copy/paste all of your content from your bad Word document into that using Ctrl+A (select all), Ctrl+X (cut), then in Notepad, paste with Ctrl+V. That doesn't work because I found that just copies the formatting issue/problem over to the new one (this was also how I figured out it was document-specific). What I initially tried was copying the content from my old Word doc onto this blank, new one. Then you can proceed with these instructions.) But in those previous versions, Word should re-create it the next time you launch the program. Search for it, it should be somewhere if you have Word 2013 or prior - this shouldn't be a problem/issue in Word 2016 as they no longer seem to have that file. (If it doesn't for some reason, I recommend closing all Word documents, then finding and deleting the Normal.dot in your Local Settings folder under your profile folder in C:\Users. Once you have made sure that works, you can proceed. It won't change "level", from that solid to a hollow bullet, because that requires entering some text on that line, then hit Enter, then you should be able to hit Tab on the new, 2nd bullet and it should indent and change the level of the bullet from the solid to the hollow one. Now, if you hit Tab you should see the bullet indent. I found that this issue is document-specific - not a global setting in Word that got unset and needs to be rechecked. Here's what happened with me, what I tried that ultimately fixed it:

my tab won

So going to the AutoFormat options didn't work for me (the option to "Set left- and first-indent with tabs and backspaces" was already set, and reset it a couple of times did nothing - tabbing jumped to the next Heading style I had formatted), and the other answer listed here at the time of me writing this, to just use the indent buttons on the toolbar works, but gets incredibly annoying as a workaround.

My tab won't work in word for mac for bullets